一、有些人事,看不清会纠结,看清了会心痛。人生如一粒尘埃,表面是自己做主宰,实际上却被天地,人道主宰着。很多人事的变迁,你无法左右,只能随缘。要想活得快乐,要学会清醒地做事,糊涂地做人。本来就没有完美,什么都看清了,污点也昭然了。优点越多,污点越显得刺眼。活得太认真,所以很痛苦。Some people will tangle if they can't see clearly, and they will feel heartache if they see clearly. Life is like a grain of dust, which is dominated by itself on the surface, but in fact is dominated by the world and humanity. Many changes in personnel, you can not control, can only follow the fate. If you want to live happily, you should learn to do things soberly and behave in a confused way. There is no perfect, everything is clear, the stain is clear. The more advantages, the more dazzling the stain. It's painful to live too seriously.
二、山一程,水一程,身向榆关那畔行,夜深千帐灯。风一更,雪一更,聒碎乡心梦不成,故园无此声。——纳兰的《长相思》,有一种声音是必须在极致的安静下,才能品味出它的美妙。浮躁的生活,只会使它平庸无趣。它或许不是最优秀的。A journey to the mountains, a journey to the water, a journey to the Yuguan bank, late at night thousand-tent lights. Wind, snow, broken homesickness dream can not be, home silence. There is a voice in the "long face" of n 'LAN, which must be refined in the extreme silence. The impetuous life will only make it dull and dull. It may not be the best. & lt; br /& gt;
三、友不在多,贵在风雨同行。 情不论久,重在有求必应, 所谓情真: 只要你要,只要我有; 只要你需,只要我能。 所谓义重: 不是得意时的花言巧言, 而是关键时刻拉你的那只手!There are not many friends, you are in the wind and rain. Regardless of the time, the emphasis is on responding to the demand. The so-called truth: as long as you want, as long as I have; as long as you need, as long as I can. The so-called righteousness: not the rhetoric when you are proud, but the hand that pulls you at the critical moment!
四、我现在对朋友的要求很低了,知道大家都忙,一两句信息不回复,或者这次约不到,都不会让我没有安全感。不要什么话都跟别人讲,你说的是心里话,他们听着是笑话。Now I have very low requirements for friends, knowing that everyone is busy, one or two messages do not reply, or this appointment, will not make me insecure. Don't tell anyone anything. You're talking in your heart. They listen to jokes.
五、没用的东西,再便宜也不要买;不爱的人,再寂寞也不要依赖。、前尘往事你忘了便忘了,我既望着你记起,又望着你,永不再记起。Don't buy useless things, no matter how cheap they are; don't rely on loneliness if you don't love them. When you forget the past, you forget it. I look at you and remember it. I will never remember it again.
六、有些人注定是你生命中的过客,却总是成为你记忆中的常客,但永远也仅止于做客。Some people are destined to be passers-by in your life, but they will always be frequent visitors in your memory, but they will never stop there. & lt; br/>
七、 青春是合不上的书,人生是回不了头的路。不悔梦归处,只恨太匆匆。那一天,我在寻找寻找年岁里的芳韶沉淀心底的桥,时间默默消耗灯火渐渐萦绕也不知何时了,是世界太浩渺还是那背影太过萧条。Youth is a book that cannot be closed, and life is a road that cannot be turned back. I don't regret my dream, but I hate being in a hurry. On that day, I was looking for a bridge in my heart, where time spent silently and the lights gradually lingered. Whether it was the vastness of the world or the depression of that figure was too great.
八、等了好久好久,可是后来,我终于明白,有时候,有些人,有些事,我们除了说再见,别无选择。很多时候,我们视为刻骨铭心的记忆,而别人却早已忘记,与其纠结于心,不如看淡,看轻。你大部分的难过,源于自己不肯放过自己。Wait a long time, but later, I finally understand that sometimes, some people, some things, we have no choice but to say goodbye. Many times, we regard it as a memorable memory, but others have already forgotten it. Instead of being entangled in the heart, we should look down on it and look down on it. Most of your sadness comes from your unwillingness to let go of yourself.
九、不管怎样,生活还是要继续向前走去。有的时候伤害和失败不见得是一件坏事,它会让你变得更好,孤单和失落亦是如此。每件事到最后一定会变成一件好事,只要你能够走到最后。Anyway, life must go on. Sometimes injury and failure are not necessarily a bad thing, it will make you better, loneliness and loss are the same. Everything will turn out to be a good thing in the end, as long as you can get to the end.
十、枕上一书三生誓,殷切与君语迟迟。佛铃花落醉尘火,执念难绝情成痴。不管你昨天有多优秀,代表不了今天的辉煌。要记住,昨天的太阳永远晒不干今天的衣裳,以阳光心态迎接每一天。On the pillow of a book, three vows of life, eagerness and late gentleman's words. The Buddha bell flower falls drunk and dusty, perseverance is hard to despair into infatuation. No matter how good you were yesterday, you can't represent today's glory. Remember that yesterday's sun will never dry today's clothes and greet every day with a sunny attitude.
十一、当年轻的风帆迎着朝阳舞动时,风,就有歌了。朝阳像麦浪一样把大地染得金黄,一道奔跑的影子被拉得老长老长。那道影子,叫青春。我们不是逃兵。哪怕这场战役输得惨不忍睹,我们,虽败犹荣。When young sails are dancing against the rising sun, the wind is singing. Chaoyang dyes the earth golden like wheat waves, and a running shadow is drawn to the elders. That shadow is called youth. We are not deserters. Even if this battle is horribly lost, we are still glorious in defeat.
十二、如果我会发光,就不必害怕黑暗。如果我自己是那么美好,那么一切恐惧就可以烟消云散。于是我开始存下了一点希望——如果我能做到,那么我就战胜了寂寞的命运。If I can shine, I don't have to be afraid of darkness. If I were so good myself, then all my fears would vanish. So I began to save a little hope that if I could, I would overcome the loneliness of fate.
十三、有的时候不愿意说话,不是担心对方听不懂,而是分享也无用。遇见挫折时,与其叽叽喳喳说个不停,不如做点喜欢的事分散一下注意力,出门逛个街,看场好电影,或者干脆倒头睡一觉,怎么都好。当遇见问题不再慌张四处求救,而是气定神闲地继续自己的生活,才是真的长大了。管你风雨,我有自己。Sometimes I don't want to talk, not because I'm afraid the other party can't understand, but because sharing is useless. When you encounter setbacks, instead of chattering away, it's better to distract your attention by doing something you like, go shopping, watch a good movie, or just fall asleep. When we meet problems and stop panicking around for help, but go on with our life calmly and leisurely, we are really grown up. Regardless of your storms, I have my own.
十四、不要过份在意一些人,过份在乎一些事,顺其自然,以最佳的心态面对。每个人的性格中,都有某些无法让人接受的部分,再美好的人也一样。所以不要苛求别人,不要埋怨自己。玫瑰有刺,因为是玫瑰。Don't care too much about some people, too much about some things, let it be and face it with the best attitude. Everyone's character has some unacceptable parts, even the most beautiful people. So don't be demanding, don't blame yourself. Roses have thorns, because they are roses.
十五、“没什么好嫉妒的,反正我们谁也别想离开这个世界。”因为你不爱我,一切必要的都没必要了;因为我爱你,一切不该原谅的都原谅了。我们有共同的回忆,我们有各自的未来。谁也不必责怪谁,青春做伴,老来各散。"There's nothing to be jealous of. Anyway, none of us wants to leave the world." Because you do not love me, everything necessary is unnecessary; because I love you, everything that should not be forgiven is forgiven. We have common memories, and we have our own future. No one has to blame anyone. Youth is companion and age is scattered.
十六、人生没有假设,当下即是全部。学会独立,不能再一味的麻烦别人,自己的事自己做。学会绝情,该滚的就滚,该留的就留。学会长大,不能再那么任性。学会忘记,不能活在过去的时光中。早安!There is no hypothesis in life. Right now it's all. Learn to be independent, can't bother others blindly, do your own thing. Learn to desperate, the roll will roll, the stay will stay. Learn to grow up, can't be so capricious. Learn to forget that you can't live in the past. Good morning!
十七、像每一滴酒回不了最初的葡萄,我回不到年少。再烦,也别忘记微笑;再急,也要注意语气;再苦,也别忘坚持;再累,也要爱自己。低调做人,你会一次比一次稳健;高调做事,你会一次比一次优秀。成功的时候,不要忘记过去;失败的时候,不要忘记还有未来。Like every drop of wine can not return to the original grapes, I can not return to the young. Never forget to smile when you are tired; never forget to speak when you are urgent; never forget to persist when you are bitter; never forget to love yourself when you are tired. If you keep a low profile, you will be steadier every time; if you do things with a high profile, you will be better every time. When you succeed, don't forget the past; when you fail, don't forget the future.
十八、你住的城市下雨了,很想问你有没有带伞。可是我忍住了,因为我怕你说没带,而我又无能为力,就像是我爱你,却给不到你想要的陪伴。It's raining in your city. I'd like to ask if you have an umbrella. But I resisted, because I was afraid you said you didn't bring it, and I can't do anything, just like I love you, but can't give you the company you want.
十九、也许会寂寞,会想到身后温香软玉的旧时光,但是在寒冷夜晚笼起一堆篝火,吞下一点艰涩的干粮,在荒野草甸上沉沉的睡去,在梦里说不一定会梦到蔷薇和猛虎,提醒我要一直折腾下去。Maybe lonely, you will think of the old days of warm nephrite behind you, but on cold nights, a bunch of bonfires are caged, some hard dry food is swallowed, and you go to sleep in the wilderness meadow. In your dreams, you may not dream of roses and tigers, reminding me that I have to toss and turn all the time. & lt; br /& gt;
二十、接下来我们当感谢父母的恩情,使父母的心血哺育我们成人,父母的养育之恩青山载不动,时空移不走。当然我们还要感谢自己的子女给我们带来的人生欢乐,感谢亲朋好友和远亲近邻在我们艰难困苦之时给予的鼓励、安慰和帮助,感谢师长的辛勤栽培,感谢志士、义士在紧要关头的拔刀相助,感谢同事同学陌生人的真诚赞美或配合,感谢。Next, we should thank our parents for their kindness, so that their efforts to nurture our adults, parents'nurturing grace can not be moved, time and space can not move away. Of course, we should also thank our children for bringing us joy in life, for the encouragement, comfort and help given by our relatives, friends, distant relatives and close neighbours in our difficult times, for the hard cultivation of teachers, for the knife-pulling help of lofty ideals and righteous men at critical junctures, for the sincere praise or cooperation of colleagues, classmates and strangers, and for thanks. & lt; br /& gt;
二十一、人活着,多装些阳光在心里,路途才会少些阴霾。拨开浮萍,就能看到清水,日子久了,才能看见人心。行走在纷扰的尘世,最难的是一份问心无愧。People live, put more sunshine in their hearts, the road will be less hazy. Pull aside the duckweed, you can see the clear water, the days are long before you can see the hearts of the people. Walking in the troubled world, the most difficult thing is to have a clear conscience.
二十二、刚开始的时候,他什么都不介意,不介意你的过去,不介意你的坏脾气。然后有一天,他开始介意...他曾经说过不介意,那一刻,你感动得抱着他流泪。谁知道,时日过去,他忘记了自己所说的一切。人在得不到的时候,什么都可以不介意。得到之后,什么都有点介意。----------这是爱情,希望你不要太介意。At first, he didn't mind anything, your past or your bad temper. Then one day, he began to mind... He once said no, at that moment, you were moved to hold him in tears. Who knows, as time went by, he forgot everything he said. When people can't get it, they don't mind anything. After I get it, I care a little about everything. This is love, I hope you don't mind too much.
二十三、我们单枪匹马闯入这世间,只为活出属于自己的所有可能。愿你这一生既有随处可栖的江湖,也有追风逐梦的骁勇。每一次前进时,总以为会有许多障碍,一旦踏进去,却发现那不过是生活的假想敌,也许人生最为欠缺的,永远是迈出第一步的勇气,以及不回头的决心。We broke into this world alone, just to live out all the possibilities that belong to us. May your life be filled with both habitable rivers and lakes and brave dreams. Every time we move forward, we always think that there will be many obstacles. Once we step in, we find that it is only the imaginary enemy of life. Perhaps the most deficient thing in life is the courage to take the first step and the determination not to turn back.
二十四、 你知道什么是孤独吗,就像你一语不发的离开,我在漫无边际的回忆和冷风里一边恨你,一边等你。百毒不侵的内心,往往会被一句简单的安慰打败;刀枪不入的伪装,常常在懂你人的面前彻底投降。Do you know what loneliness is like when you leave without saying a word? I hate you and wait for you in the endless memories and cold wind. A simple consolation often defeats a poisonous heart; the disguise of inseparability often surrenders completely in front of those who understand you.
二十五、 低质量的勤奋,不过是营造一个“我很努力”的幻觉。勤奋不是马不停蹄,而是有效利用手头的时间;努力不是一味埋头苦干,而是用智慧解决问题。沉下心,去思考、去解决,才能获得真正的提升。Low quality diligence, but to create an illusion of "I'm working hard". Diligence is not a non-stop, but an effective use of the time at hand; hard work is not a blindly buried effort, but a solution with wisdom. Only by sinking down, thinking and solving can we get real promotion.
怎么安慰别人就怎么安慰自己,可以去疯一场发泄一下,可以默默写日记,把不好的事情写在纸上,可以听舒缓的音乐放松心情…… 本回答被网友采纳